
Shirley LI NY -- LOST black mini Dachshund - jumped out of dogsitters car!




I am only crossposting & have no additional info other than what is written here.
Contact info is in body of email

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lost black mini-Dachsund in Shirley (Shirley)

Date: 2011-06-30, 9:51PM EDT
Reply to: jcson777@msn.com  (@ msn .com)  [Errors when replying to ads?]

Lost black mini dachsund June 30, 2011 at around 8:15pm near Boston Market in Shirley. Dog broke loose from collar and jumped out of car while I was inside. I am dogsitting this dog and need to find him ASAP!!! Family will be absolutely heartbroken. Please Help

  • Location: Shirley
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2471719740

Recent Activity:


[boxer lovers] Bitting and Heat Cycle--Ashley A


Is it normal for Ginger to want to bite? I know she is going to because she is a puppy and she will want to chew on things. I think she may be still teething a little. But when we are playing she wants to bite our hands or whatever she can. Not on purpose but I guess she thinks she is playing. But her teeth are so sharp, it hurts! What can we do to prevent this problem and to teach her not to do this? And also when should I expect her to have her first heat? I don't know a whole lot about that part.


Recent Activity:


McDonough GA -- LAST CALL- 2 DOXIE MIXES HERE!! Closed 'til July 5th. Must Euth for Space



Cheryl Anderson princes7ca@yahoo.com
OTRA Verified Transporter
All American Dachshund Rescue

--- On Thu, 6/30/11, Jenie <animalupdates@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Jenie <animalupdates@yahoo.com>
Subject: [OTRA_Breed_Rescue] McDonough GA -- LAST CALL - Closed 'til July 5th. Must Euth for Space
To: "Mailing List - Rescue Crossposters" <RescueCrossposters@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - BlackDogRescueER" <BlackDogRescueER@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - AnimalAlert SOS - Rescue" <AnimalAlert-SOS-RESCUE@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - RedListUrgents" <RedListUrgents@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - FindaHomePets" <FindaHomePets@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - GApetrescue" <GApetrescue@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - GeorgiaAnimalRescue" <GeorgiaAnimalRescue@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - nwatlpets" <nwatlpets@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - TriStateRescue - SC NC GA" <TriStateRescue@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - babyanimals" <babyanimals@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - PuppiesNeedingRescue" <PuppiesNeedingRescue@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - alldogsgreatandsmallrescue" <alldogsgreatandsmallrescue@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - CanineRescue" <CanineRescue@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - DogsNeedingHomes" <DogsNeedingHomes@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - fortheloveofdog" <fortheloveofdog@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Help_A_Dog Rescue" <Help_A_Dog@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - AdoptAnimals" <AdoptAnimals@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - adoption_assistance" <adoption_assistance@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - AllAnimalRescuePlace" <AllAnimalRescuePlace@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - AllStateRescue" <AllStatesRescues@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Animal_Lovers" <animal-lovers@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Animal-Angels" <animal-angels@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - AnimalRescueAdoption" <AnimalRescueAdoption@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - AnimalRescuers" <animalrescuers@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - animals-in-need-rescue" <animals-in-need-rescue@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - AnimalsRescueER" <AnimalRescueER@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Caninefelinerescue" <caninefelinerescue@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Daisy-Love-Dog-Rescuers" <Daisy-Love-Dog-Rescuers@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - HelpWithRescue" <helpwithrescue@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Homewardboundrescue-transport" <Homewardboundrescue-transport@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Jenie's Rescue List" <jeniesrescuelist@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - OTRA_Breed_Rescue" <OTRA_Breed_Rescue@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - P-A-W-S" <P-A-W-S@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Paws-Claws-Rescuers-Transporters" <Paws-Claws-Rescuers-Transporters@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Petadoption" <Petadoption@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - PetRescuers" <PetRescuers@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - PetVersatility Rescue List" <PetVersatility-DurbyPawsCrosspostingGroup@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Rescue_Contacts" <Rescue_Contacts@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Rescue_Pets" <Rescue_Pets@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Rescue-Contacts" <Rescue-Contacts@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Rescue-Pets" <Rescue-Pets@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Scobbys-Rescue-Service-Animals" <scoobys-rescue-service-animals@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - Topeka Animal Talk - Rescue Group" <topekaanimaltalk@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - voicesforhomelessanimals" <voicesforhomelessanimals@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - WE_NEED_A_HOME" <WE_NEED_A_HOME@yahoogroups.com>, "Mailing List - WorfsRescueRangers" <WorfsRescueRangers@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Thursday, June 30, 2011, 8:52 PM



I am only crossposting & have no additional info other than what is written here.
Contact info is in body of email

From: BONNIE J KALMBACH <bjkalmbach@gmail.com>
Subject: McDonough GA Last Call! Emilie,Erika More~ Closed 'til July 5th. Must Euth for Space
Date: Thursday, June 30, 2011, 1:31 PM


Thank you very much – Networking saves lives!
Please contact the shelter or the person(s) listed below
Please do not hit "reply".

Please help if you can. We will be closed Thursday June 30th at 4:30 until Tuesday July 5th.

Please get an email to Betsy TODAY ASAP to be sure of saving any: mystiblu@bellsouth.net 
( @ bellsouth .net )

mystiblu@bellsouth.net  ( @ bellsouth .net )
Henry County Animal Care and Control
527 Hampton Street
McDonough, Georgia 30253
(770) 288-7401
Our Hours:
Monday-Friday:  9 am-4:30 pm
Saturday:  9 am-1 pm
Sunday:  Closed
County Observed Holidays:  Closed
The shelter is located at 527 Hampton Street in McDonough.   We are located south of Atlanta off I-75.  Take exit 218 and head east on 20/81 toward McDonough.  Our address is 527 Hwy 20/81 East.
For all other information regarding  ordinances, county codes, and other functions of Henry County Animal Care and Control please visit www.hcacc.org
The dogs near the top of this list are the most URGENT and can be euthanized today before closing!

Emilee    Yellow Labrador Retriever Mix: Large Young Female - This sweetie is the longest held and will be put to sleep first - such a lovely golden brown color - if her ears were perked up ( she looks a little scared here) she will look even cuter! VERY URGENT!!

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Erika    Shepherd Mix: Large Young Female ~ is adorable! Second longest held! VERY URGENT!

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Gracelyn    Beagle Mix: Medium Adult Female

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Harper    Cattle Dog Mix: Medium Young Female

Harper has been impounded for over a month.  She was a normal looking girl [not one hint of belly].....you can still view her bio on our petfinder page. Monday we came in to find Harper had 5 pups overnight,  one was dead. Today another dead pup, she was laying on him.  She is a good mommy but does not seem to mind laying on the babies, even if they are struggling and crying. She just does not know. WE REALLY REALLY NEED TO GET HER INTO RESCUE SO SHE CAN BE ASSISTED AND MONITORED. If she does not get out of here quick the rest of her pups will perish. PLEASE help if you can!  She is gorgeous and sweet......and very gentle.  She lets us handle her pups and is very good in her run.  She waits to be taken out to potty, we just love her. We need Georgia Dept of Ag licensed rescue to be sure the pups are under their umbrella concerning spay neuter compliance.  All of you are either licensed, or rescues I already work with.  If you choose to crosspost please be ready to assist the rescues you are sharing with
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Jasmin    Yellow Labrador Retriever Mix: Large Young Female

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Kyle    Labrador Retriever Mix: Medium Adult Male

Kyle is a gorgeous Black Lab type who never meets a stranger! His tail goes a mile a minute and he is oh so willing to please! Kyle was a stray, so we can't tell you anything about his past. We can tell you that we want him to have a wonderful future! Kyle has had all his first vaccines, (distemper/parvo, bordetella and canine flu.)
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Levi    Shepherd Mix: Large Young Male

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London    Doberman Pinscher Mix: Small Young Female

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Mallory    Labrador Retriever/Weimaraner Mix: Large Young Female

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Marcy    Border Collie Mix: Large Young Female

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N-Tyler    Black Labrador Retriever/Shepherd Mix: Large Young Male

Tyler was impounded on June 9th for running at large.  Low and behold he is chipped, by us!  Tyler was adopted on 3/17/11 to a local man, actually his address is just one main road over from the shelter. We have left a door knocker at the address,  the phone number he gave has been disconnected and there was no alternate contact info registered.  We have searched his name and find no new info.  So here Tyler sits, once again in danger!  His neuter compliance was July.  We do not know if Tyler has had his rabies vaccination.  We re-boosted his Parvo Distemper and Bordatella. Tyler is a wonderful sweet young boy who just wants to get the heck out of here. We sure hope he gets the second, or really third chance he deserves!
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Nala    Boxer/Labrador Retriever Mix: Large Young Female

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Naomi    Shepherd Mix: Medium Young Female

Naomi is a shepherd type in mini. She is about 35-40 pounds, the compact model! We love her happy outlook on life and her gentle demeanor. Please come by today and meet Naomi, her life depends on it!
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Nash    Foxhound Mix: Large Young Male

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Neville    Shepherd Mix: Large Young Male

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Newton    Black Labrador Retriever Mix: Large Young Male

Norton and Newton are young brothers, as you can see the boys are very scared here. They are beautiful shiny black lab types with huge feet and even bigger hearts. The boys are so loving, please help give them the forever home they need!
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Nichole     Yellow Labrador Retriever Mix: Medium Young Female

Nichole is such a pretty girl, who doesn't love a blond!?! She is just as sweet as can be, loves to go for walks, and happily greets everyone. What more could you want?
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Nina    Shepherd/Collie Mix: Large Young Female

Poor Nina was adopted from us in August of 2010, her owner moved out of state and gave her away. Her new owner was keeping her tied to a tree. Dekalb County AC picked her up, once at the shelter they realized she was chipped and she was able to come back to us! Granted she is back in the shelter but it is better than being tied to a tree! Nina is spayed and has had her booster vaccines updated. She is stunningly gorgeous, she smiles. We LOVE this girl. Please do not let her life end here, she deserves a second chance!
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Noodle    Hound Mix: Medium Young Male

Poor little Noodle......the color of death. Or should I say the second color of death . Black and Brindle dogs almost never get noticed. Noodle is just as sweet as he can be. He loves everyone and only wants to go home. We hope someone out there will consider saving this precious youngster for whats on the inside!
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Norton    Black Labrador Retriever Mix: Large Young Male

Norton and Newton are young brothers, as you can see the boys are very scared here. They are beautiful shiny black lab types with huge feet and even bigger hearts. The boys are so loving, please help give them the forever home they need!
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Nugget    Labrador Retriever Mix: Large Young Male

Nugget is a tall skinny happy happy happy boy. His ears are so silly. They almost want to stand up but just can't. Nugget looks like he could use a little TLC, please consider him if you have room in your home and heart!
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Nutmeg    Yellow Labrador Retriever/Basset Hound Mix: Medium Young Female

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Odis    Dachshund Mix: Small Adult Male

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Odom    Plott Hound Mix: Large Young Male

Ticks ticks ticks!  Last week we had Nova covered in monster disgusting ticks....now poor Odom was in so much pain he was crying.  His ears were/are FULL of ticks.  I picked out what I could and even though he cried and it hurt he never stopped licking me. LOVE this boy!  He is fabulous!  He is really the epitome of a dog in need of rescue.  Such a gentle sweet soul.  Odom and Nova are just 2 of many dogs covered in these pea sized ticks, having the life literally sucked out of them.  Please help if you can!
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Ondray    Boxer/Shepherd Mix: Large Young Male

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Onyx    Black Labrador Retriever Mix: Large Baby Male

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Opheila    Beagle Mix: Medium Young Female

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Oryan    Chocolate Labrador Retriever: Large Young Male

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Parker    Labrador Retriever/Hound Mix: Large Baby Male

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Persia    Newfoundland Dog Mix: Large Baby Female

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Phillip    Miniature Pinscher Mix: Small Adult Male

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Preston    Black Labrador Retriever Mix: Large Baby Male

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Ramona    Husky: Large Young Female

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Ravioli    Yellow Labrador Retriever Mix: Large Young Male

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Raylene    Hound Mix: Large Baby Female

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Reba    Black Labrador Retriever Mix: Large Young Female

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Rhapsody    Dachshund/Miniature Pinscher Mix: Medium Young Female

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Recent Activity:
