
[boxer lovers] Fw: For all who love dogs...

Thought you all would find this interesting and amazing...

Alan and Annette Hake
and the animals we love,
on Menookhaw Mountain
Ravenden, Arkansas


He is your friend, your partner, your defender, he is your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader.
He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.
You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.

For all who love


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From Laura Klappenbach, your Guide to Animals

Evolving Egg Patterns Thwart Cuckoo Counterfeits
Detecting forgeries isn't just the business of hand-writing experts and forgery sleuths. It turns out some bird species are highly skilled in detecting fraud as well. But for these birds,... Read more
See More About: birds evolution

Hunting Linked to Lead Poisoning in Birds
The lead from hunting ammunition often ends up in the stomach of carrion-eating birds such as eagles and turkey vultures. This is the conclusion of a series of studies performed... Read more
See More About: birds conservation

New Statistic Measures Species Extinction Risk
Scientists have developed new way of measuring how close a species is to extinction. The measurement, called the SAFE index (or the "Species Ability to Forestall Extinction" index) assesses how... Read more

Birds are a group of backboned animals that includes about 30 groups such as albatrosses, gamebirds, herons, hummingbirds, owls, parrots, penguins, perching birds, woodpeckers and many others. There are between 9,000 and 10,000 species of birds alive today. The first birds evolved from reptiles during the Mesazoic Era about 150 million years ago. The articles listed below provide information about the characteristics, classification and evolution of birds.

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Re: Re: introduction and questions

Sounds like Tillie is a typical doxie. My Annie will hunt anything that moves. She can spot a squirrel 1/2 a mile away. Even if we are in the car. She has her face glued out the window and will bark if we even approach a squirrel.
After her surgery the first time she tried to run was to chase a squirrel out of the yard.

--- On Thu, 4/28/11, Candle Lady <cainle_bean@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Candle Lady <cainle_bean@yahoo.com>
Subject: <Dachsie World> Re: introduction and questions
To: "Dachsie_World@yahoogroups.com" <Dachsie_World@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2011, 8:21 AM

I got Tillie as a pup. She had been returned by her owner and her breeder basically dropped her off with me. She has always been the sweetest thing. Loves everyone and tries to play with anything that stands still. When she was about 2-3, she got in a mix up with a chow down the road. The chow was trained badly (long story about short genetics on the human owner side) and Tillie was injured. Every since that day, I have not been able to go anywhere in the house or yard that she does not follow me. If I go to the bathroom, she will destroy the door to get in. Once in, she lays down on the carpet and waits on me. 9 years, 4 states, countless houses, and through it all, I cannot walk away from this dog. If she decides to pop off to do something its ok. But she knows where I am usually.
She was fairly easy to housebreak. We had 2-3 other dogs at all times. And they were constantly in and out. She WILL mess in the house if we leave her too long. Even now, she will wait till someone gets up to let her out. Course she is sleeping with me, and usually hogging the covers =p.
Tillie did have a herniated disc in her neck. She is a tweenie/ standard thing that the vet is happy with her around 19 lbs. 24 is too heavy and 16 is way too skinny. I have been blessed with all but 1 vet that looked at the dog not the weight to determine the safe weight. She does have an occasionaly draggy front leg and occasional soreness. But to watch her with her ears and tail up, chasing the squirrels and birds in the back yard, DEFINALY worth the time and expense of surgery.
One thing I have learned... and I am not sure if its true for minis, or all doxies. Tillie has STRONG hunting instincts. She dug up moles at one house we lived in. Actually chased them off the property. She hunts birds, mice, rabbits, etc. I CANNOT let her off lead. We live on a major hiway, but even when were in the country, she gets on a scent and boom, she is gone. The trainers even said, NEVER let her off lead unless in a good fence. She does dig, but not to get out of the fence.
Quite more rambling than I thought, but just some thoughts.
Amy N (formerly in TX, now in AL)
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Re: introduction and questions

I got Tillie as a pup. She had been returned by her owner and her breeder basically dropped her off with me. She has always been the sweetest thing. Loves everyone and tries to play with anything that stands still. When she was about 2-3, she got in a mix up with a chow down the road. The chow was trained badly (long story about short genetics on the human owner side) and Tillie was injured. Every since that day, I have not been able to go anywhere in the house or yard that she does not follow me. If I go to the bathroom, she will destroy the door to get in. Once in, she lays down on the carpet and waits on me. 9 years, 4 states, countless houses, and through it all, I cannot walk away from this dog. If she decides to pop off to do something its ok. But she knows where I am usually.
She was fairly easy to housebreak. We had 2-3 other dogs at all times. And they were constantly in and out. She WILL mess in the house if we leave her too long. Even now, she will wait till someone gets up to let her out. Course she is sleeping with me, and usually hogging the covers =p.
Tillie did have a herniated disc in her neck. She is a tweenie/ standard thing that the vet is happy with her around 19 lbs. 24 is too heavy and 16 is way too skinny. I have been blessed with all but 1 vet that looked at the dog not the weight to determine the safe weight. She does have an occasionaly draggy front leg and occasional soreness. But to watch her with her ears and tail up, chasing the squirrels and birds in the back yard, DEFINALY worth the time and expense of surgery.
One thing I have learned... and I am not sure if its true for minis, or all doxies. Tillie has STRONG hunting instincts. She dug up moles at one house we lived in. Actually chased them off the property. She hunts birds, mice, rabbits, etc. I CANNOT let her off lead. We live on a major hiway, but even when were in the country, she gets on a scent and boom, she is gone. The trainers even said, NEVER let her off lead unless in a good fence. She does dig, but not to get out of the fence.
Quite more rambling than I thought, but just some thoughts.
Amy N (formerly in TX, now in AL)
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